Recently, the amount of phishing on behalf of DHL or other carriers has increased considerably. Cyber criminals want to con you or “fish” for your personal information by e-mail, text messages, or using WhatsApp. As an example, you might receive a notification that DHL wants to deliver a parcel and you will be asked to pay or click on a hyperlink. This is how a cybercriminal tries to obtain your personal (bank) details. If you don't recognize the sender and you're not expecting an e-mail or text message, you could be dealing with a phishing message.
How do you recognize a real message from DHL?
- Emails from DHL are always sent from an email address ending in @dhl.com, @dhl.nl, @dhlparcel.nl or @dhlecommerce.nl. Hover your curser over the link (do not click!) and check if the sender's address suddenly changes. A fraudster can disguise their e-mail address.
- On a real DHL payment request, you will always see your tracking number. Check that the number shown in the e-mail or text message corresponds to your tracking number. Do not click on the link. Write down the tracking number first and enter it on our track and trace page.
Safety Instructions
- Do not open attachments or download the included files.
- Do click on the hyperlink in the e-mail.
- Never reply to the sender.
- Never enter your login details for DHL services if you are unsure about the website you're on.
- Protect yourself by only downloading delivery service or shop apps from the official App store.
- Don't allow apps to be installed from unknown sources, and always install the latest OS updates.
Report Phishing
If you have received a suspicious e-mail, SMS, WhatsApp, or payment request, and you are not sure if it's from DHL, do not click on any link and do not open any attachments. Please report this by sending an e-mail to [email protected] and adding the suspicious e-mail or a screenshot of the SMS as an attachment. It is important not to forward the suspicious e-mail because the original and technical data will be lost. If we receive the suspicious e-mail as an attachment, we can trace and block the real sender.