Shipping dangerous goods

Frequently asked questions

Dangerous goods may only be shipped in limited quantities (ADR Limited Quantities - LQ). It is mandatory to register this with your DHL account manager. We do not charge extra for shipping LQ goods.

Download our Dangerous Goods brochure to learn more about shipping dangerous goods and find out which goods can and cannot be transported by DHL eCommerce. For any additional information, please get in touch with your DHL contact.

Since 1 April 2024, stricter rules have been introduced to international shipments of dangerous goods in limited quantities (ADR LQ). In addition to the mandatory LQ mark on the parcel, you must also provide the following information: when creating the shipment, you have to specify that it contains LQ and provide the weight. How you do that, depends on the shipping tool you use:

Please follow these rules to avoid fines or delays.